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Mirror, Mirror: Facebook or TV live streaming most effective method of them all?

Facebook live streaming is the most powerful channel in 2017. Marketers have to renew their data based on the ever-changing trends.

Mirror answered: Facebook Live streaming

Yes, it is the truth. It is Facebook Live streaming. Facebook released lately a report on changing TV consumption behaviors, it stated that 91% of the internet users navigate the internet while watching TV channels.

But why Facebook is the most effective method of them all?

–          Psychological effect

The word “live “rises the excitement feeling of catching up any breaking news. This gives the same feeling of “Limited offer “so marketers shall pay strong attention to this. Also, social media channels always give the user impression of being “Oh, I am the first to know, or comment or engage “which means that I am up to date, and the master of the world.


–          Content Variety

You always have “the choice “. You can control what to watch, and when. Whom you are going to follow or “see first “as humans love the idea of being in control.


–          Time saver

Advertisements could be a real torture on Television. You can almost forget what you were watching before them. Unlike Facebook live streaming, it is ad-free, and straightforward platform. Stories is also a different form of Live videos as it only last for 24 hours which give an authentic, and fresh content for users.


–          Authenticity

We are living in Human to Human era, as the more you are real and honest, the more people will believe, engage, and follow you. That’s why Facebook live streaming has become so effective because now you can not only engage with texts or visuals but you are engaging with your favorite influencer in flesh and blood.


–          Embrace change

As for the marketing industry, brands shall carry out social media live strategies, and this implies that the hiring process could be shifted. Companies who don’t embrace such a new trend will be left.





Humans always go for the unachievable, and Facebook live streaming is the winner so far. It does not stand still for a long time. Facebook is a lifetime story that you will never know how it will end.